- Master Clinical Psychology (Ghent University, Belgium)
- European Master of Sport & Exercise Psychology (University of Thessaly, Greece & University of Leipzig, Germany)
- Tobacco Cessation Counselling (inter-university education, VRGT)
Training & shorter education
On the topic of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT):
Sport psychology/Performance psychology:
Exercise psychology/Health psychology:
Tobacco Cessation:
Nutritional psychology:
General mental counselling:
In sport:
Further, I annually attend national and international conferences of different professional associations.
- Intensive course ACT (ACT Academie)
- ACT in sport- & performance psychology (Jonah Oliver)
- ACT for adolescents by Louise Hayes (VVGT)
- ACT and burnout (ACT Academie & Allegre)
- ACT and chronic pain (ACT Academie)
- The ACT-Matrix (Allegre)
- Compassion (ACT Academie)
- ACT and addication (ACT Academie)
- ACT and trauma (ACT Academie)
Sport psychology/Performance psychology:
- Specialist course: The intrapersonal and social influences on athletes' psychological wellbeing, eating disorders, and performance in sport (Ghent University)
- MOOC: Elite Sport Performance - Psychological Perspectives (Asian-South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology)
Exercise psychology/Health psychology:
- Master Class: Taking back your energy levels (KULeuven)
- Train-The-Trainer 'Move more, sit less' (Vlaams Instituut Gezond Leven)
- Train-The-Trainer 'The new movement triangle' (Vlaams Instituut Gezond Leven)
Tobacco Cessation:
- MOOC: Trends in e-Psychology - e-cigarettes, e-mental health & e-mediation (KULeuven)
- SmartStop, rookstop bij jongeren (Vlaams Instituut Gezond Leven)
Nutritional psychology:
- Introduction workshop nutritional psychology & ACT (Centrum voor voedingspsychologie)
- Training nutritional psychology & ACT for counsellors (Centrum voor voedingspsychologie)
General mental counselling:
- Motivational Interviewing (Learn2Act)
- Online Counselling Services & Training (OCST)
- MOOC: Trends in e-Psychology - e-cigarettes, e-mental health & e-mediation (KULeuven)
- Solutions focused coaching & communication from systems theory (HoGent)
- Prosocial Facilitator - Prosocial is an evidence-based method that improves teamwork for groups of any kind (Prosocial.World)
- EMDR part I, base training (Integrativa)
In sport:
- Trainer B Swimming (Flemish Trainersschool)
Further, I annually attend national and international conferences of different professional associations.
Publications & conferences
Published work:
Preface of the book 'Empowering Outperformance' (2017) by polar explorer and adventurer Dixie Dansercoer (available through publisher Die Keure)
International conference presentations:
Further, I regularly give guest lectures for educational institutions (Hogeschool Gent, Artevelde Hogeschool, Thomas More, ...) or national events (Dag van de Trainer, Sportcongres, Bijscholingsdag, ...).
Follow me on social media to stay up to date on any public events!
- Arijs C., Chroni S., Brymer E. & Carless D. (2017). ‘Leave Your Ego at the Door’: A Narrative Investigation into Effective Wingsuit Flying. Frontiers in Psychology. 8:1985. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01985
- De Muynck, G., Arijs, C., Fransen K. (2019). Sportpsychologie en coaching. Vlaamse Trainersschool.
- Arijs C. (2019). Prestatiegerichte mentale coaching van wedstrijdzwemmers. Vlaamse Trainersschool.
- Het mentale luik van de toolbox voor ontwikkelingsgericht trainen van Gezond Sporten Vlaanderen.
Preface of the book 'Empowering Outperformance' (2017) by polar explorer and adventurer Dixie Dansercoer (available through publisher Die Keure)
International conference presentations:
- Jannes, C. R. F., & Arijs, C. (2012, October). No pain no gain: How to monitor and increase good recovery in athletes. Workshop conducted at the 8th ENYSSP Workshop, Kosice, Slovakia.
- Arijs, C. (2014, October). Mental skills and techniques and their development in extreme sport athletes – The case of wingsuit flying. Poster presented at the 10th ENYSSP Workshop, Leipzig, Germany.
- Chairman of the oranizing committee of the 16th ENYSSP conference in Gent, 2020 (cancelled due to COVID).
Further, I regularly give guest lectures for educational institutions (Hogeschool Gent, Artevelde Hogeschool, Thomas More, ...) or national events (Dag van de Trainer, Sportcongres, Bijscholingsdag, ...).
Follow me on social media to stay up to date on any public events!
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